Sunday 25 November 2012

Unimportant Post (Part I)

Maybe this is the most unimportant post I've ever done. But who cares... So what is this crap thing I talk about? It's when I met with Muhammad Yunus from Bangladesh. He is great, don't get me wrong. But I usually never post anything like this before in my life..
When you got the chance to meet with one of Nobel Peace Prize Winner, you get excited and want to take a photo with him because maybe that is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. His work has inspired many people and encouraged the poorest to stand on their own. Short story, I met him when I attend Public Lecture "The Role of Social Entrepreneurship In Poverty Alleviation" in Shangri-La on October 24th. Albeit the blurry picture, I don't care..

A glimpse from the Public Lecture:
Bisnis sosial yang diinisiasi oleh Yunus ini memiliki inti bahwa tujuan bisnis adalah untuk mengatasi kemiskinan, bukan memaksimalkan keuntungan. Kesuksesan suatu bisnis sosial pun tidak diukur berdasar keuntungan yang diperoleh, tetapi seberapa besar bisnis tersebut mampu memecahkan masalah sosial. Salah satu hal penting yang menjadi inti dalam menjalankan bisnis sosial, yang disampaikan Yunus dalam bukunya Bisnis Sosial, adalah Mengerjakannya Dengan Hati. Dengan membangun bisnis sosial ini, ia pun memiliki mimpi dunia yang bebas kemiskinan. "So that we can put poverty in museum," tutup Yunus, di akhir Public Lecture.

I’m dreaming of the day when there is no more poverty on this planet…the day when our future generations would have to visit a museum to see what it was like to live in poverty. - M Yunus when delivered a speech at Oslo City Hall on September 4th, 2008 -

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