Yaaa tetap ada beberapa kejadian yang bikin down. But that's life. Always have ups and downs. Tapi tetap gw ngerasa bersyukur baaaangeeeetttt atas apa yang udah terjadi di tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Di tahun 2012 apa yang gw inginkan sebelum menginjak usia 30 paling ngga udah mulai berjalan. Apa yang gw sampaikan ke beberapa orang dekat beberapa tahun lalu tentang salah satu rencana jangka panjang gw, terkabul di tahun lalu.
Masalah kerjaan Alhamdulillah lancar dan begitu banyak bantuan yang diberikan. I can't thank you enough. I also have a family that always support and understand me, no matter what. Big hug for my beloved family. I hope after I finish my study (hopefully the end of this year), I can fulfill their wish. I don't know when, because there's a part of God's hand also, you know.
And how about this year? I'm sure there will be much more sweat, blood and tears. But just bring it ON!. I just can pray and hope this year would be better than last year. Welcome 2013! :)